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Telefonica is Partner of VisualNACert

17/03/2015 The last 11th of March in Madrid we signed a collaboration agreement with Telefonica to carry the international agricultural market our VISUAL technological solution, certainly one of the major milestones of this 2015 for our company VisualNACert. The signing between both companies was executed by Fernando Abella, Digital General

Presentación de VISUAL en el Mobile World Congress

visualNAcert estuvo presente en el mayor evento tecnológico del mundo dedicado a las tecnología móbiles, el Mobile World Congress de Barcelona. Telefonica Openfuture nos seleccionó para presentar el pasado día 3 de marzo nuestra tecnología aplicada al sector agroalimentario, donde estuvieron presentes más de 500 representantes de empresas, aceleradoras e inversores en el

Mapping techonology talent “made in Spain”

There is no need to go to Sillicon Valley to find talented and innovative companies developing great products. Pilar Portero, a Huffington Post journalist, interviewed Lucía and Mercedes Iborra, the founders of visualNACert, and other two more companies, to discover how mapping technology is changing and adding value to our

Evaluation of 2014

30/12/2014 For VISUAL this year has been very important. The company has been consolidated, we have launched to the international market our online product, we have improved our application offering more and better services to our clients and we have reached new clients in more countries, we have participated in

PSB Produccion Vegetal uses VISUAL

Our farm management software is being used to manage protected plant varieties for some of our clientes, as PSB Produccion Vegetal that manage stone fruit. PSB is a family company located in Murcia with a long career as a creator of protected varieties and stone fruit production. Their main objective is to create new varieties

«Control 30.000 fields of EEUU, Chile and Europe on your mobile»

03/06/2014 VISUAL online, the intelligent map that shows you all the crops with georeferenced data. The spanish newspaper "El Mundo" picked up the story of the VISUAL online launch. Our mission is to improve the efficiency and profitability of agribusiness by making data useful and accessible. VISUAL is an innovative