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VisualLab is our “experience center” and solutions laboratory for the future of agriculture. 

It demonstrates our commitment to the land. 

VisualLab is a fundamental element in VisualNACert’s innovation strategy. 

In this field, we test our solutions in a real environment and obtain valuable data on their effectiveness. 

We also apply certified organic farming techniques, thus demonstrating our commitment to sustainable agriculture. 

VisualLab: what we do

Comprehensive Vision for Agricultural Sustainability
A comprehensive vision that prioritizes soil health, biodiversity, and economic viability. Our strategic plan covers everything from pest management to nutritional practices to optimize sustainable crop performance.
Crop Monitoring with Visual Sensor Technology
We test different sensors to ensure that the equipment adapts to real agricultural needs and that the measurements are precise and useful for decision-making. The data provided allows us to perform personalized treatments at the right moment, enabling greater sustainability by reducing production costs and maximizing water savings.
Pest Management: Proactive and Sustainable Approach
Our approach to pest management is based on proactivity and long-term sustainability. We conduct rigorous sampling to assess pest incidence and maintain natural balance by strengthening populations of natural enemies (NE). Additionally, we promote auxiliary fauna at strategic times during the crop cycle and based on environmental conditions. As part of this strategy, we have installed bat boxes on the farm. Bats are valuable allies in agriculture due to their ability to control insect pests and contribute to plant pollination, making them important contributors to ecological balance and agricultural sustainability.
Biological Control and Conservation of Auxiliary Fauna
We are committed to biological control through conservation, creating favorable environments for the natural enemies of key agricultural pests. We achieve this by implementing multifunctional vegetative covers that offer shelter, food, and breeding areas for beneficial organisms. This strategy not only promotes biodiversity and improves soil health but also reduces erosion. Additionally, we transform old irrigation ditches into planters for biodiversity hedges, incorporating aromatic plants that attract and benefit beneficial fauna. This approach creates new uses for infrastructure while strengthening the health of the agricultural ecosystem by conserving auxiliary fauna and promoting biodiversity.
Commitment to Biodiversity and Sustainability
Our goal is to achieve zero chemical treatments, using authorized and fauna-friendly products only when necessary. Through continuous monitoring of natural enemy populations, we aim to understand and maintain balance in our agricultural ecosystem. We create a space where biodiversity thrives, closing the loop of a self-sustaining ecosystem.
Towards a Sustainable Future
We aspire to contribute to the advancement and dissemination of sustainable and technological agricultural practices within the broader agricultural community. We strive to be a model of innovation and collaboration, creating a space dedicated to teaching and sharing experiences for sustainable development. We are committed to the future of agriculture, where technology and sustainability go hand in hand to nourish a greener and more prosperous world.
Comprehensive Vision for Agricultural Sustainability
Crop Monitoring with Visual Sensor Technology
Pest Management: Proactive and Sustainable Approach
Biological Control and Conservation of Auxiliary Fauna
Commitment to Biodiversity and Sustainability
Towards a Sustainable Future

Application of Certified
Organic Farming Techniques

Release of
auxiliary fauna
Planting of
hedges and
biodiversity islands
Design of pest control strategies with ecological methods
Maintenance of vegetative cover
Soil conservation methods


Elimination of chemical phytosanitary products and fertilizers
Improved fruit quality
Reduced environmental impact
Inspiring environmen
for visitors
Improved worker

Where we are

The farm is located in the Horta Nord region, in the municipality of El Puig (Valencia), in polygon 23, plots 11, 14, and 15.

It covers an area of 5 hectares.

Click on the map to go to the farm on Google.

The Visual LAB project is an initiative that inspires and motivates

We invite you to contact us to learn more about this project and explore how we can work together to build a better future for agriculture, a more sustainable, fair, and equal future.